Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Facts

The vote was 1 vote for animals and 1 vote for pizza party. I will be adding 2 extra facts about animals since I have so many animal facts.

1. A sea turtle can weigh as much as a water buffalo.
2. Food passes through the giant squid's brain on the way to its stomach.
3. The "barking pigeon" has a call that sounds like a loud dog.
4. A newborn kangaroo is about as long as a paperclip.
5. One of the largest man made islands is shaped like a palm tree.
6. Red rain has fallen in parts of Europe and Asia.
7. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
8. The first microwave oven was almost as tall as a refrigerator.
9. The record for the world's longest continuous series of somersaults is 12 miles 390 yards.
10. The first person arrested for speeding in the United States was driving 12 mph in 1899.

Pizza Party
Tony Gemignani holds the record for spinning the largest pizza dough. The dough was nearly 3 feet wide. Tony spent 2 minutes stretching the paper thin dough until it reached a width of 33.2 inches. The dough would have made enough pizzas to feed 20 people if it hadn't been measured on the floor.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The surfacer... another crab update

If you read the digger, you know what a hermit crab is.

Anyway, time to get down to business.

Just today, my sister Rachel's hermit crab came up from a successful molt[a molt is when a crab sheds its outer layer of skin-a.k.a. exoskeleton-so it can grow bigger]. When I found out that Crabby surfaced, I ran through the house yelling,"CRABBY CAME UP!"

Then I ran upstairs to tell Rachel the good VERY good news."Rachel," I said,"Crabby came up!"

"Are you serious?" she asked.
"Yes! Now come on!"
"Okay! Just let me get a blanket."

I gave Crabby fresh food and fresh water. Sure enough he was thirsty and hungry. Then I got to clean out the food dish after Crabby spent 30-60 seconds in the food dish.

If you want to see Crabby before and after pictures, here they are.



Poll for Friday Facts

Here are your 2 choices for the first 2 Friday Facts:

1. Animals
2. Miscellaneous State Information

Guinness World Record choices:

1. Dog almost flies
2. Pizza party
3. Bling tone

Friday, July 24, 2009

The digger...A crab update

You might be wondering what a hermit crab is. It is something that looks like that.

My sister's hermit crab, Crabby, got put in a molting cage on June 13 and has been under the sand for 6 weeks. In one of the dishes in the molting cage the water has been mysteriously disappearing. Then I noticed 2 small little holes in the bottom of the dish. So I figured the water must be draining out through those holes. So I decided to check under the water dish and see if there was any moisture. I kept on sliding my finger around and then-POOF!-some sand colapses to reveal a tunnel dug by Crabby. I just froze[I also got a weird feeling in my stomach]. I covered the hole with the water dish but the water dish made the whole big enough that it stuck out ever so slightly, but I did NOT want to risk Mom and\or Dad seeing the hole. So I decided to cover the hole with a shell. But the shell only made the hole worse. So I put the shell back where it was. I just decided to let the hole be. Sure enough, Mom and Dad both found out about the hole. That is a molting cage.

That is the hole that I discovered.

P.S. I still get a weird feeling when I walk by the ISO[molting isolation tank].

Friday Facts

Sorry that I didn't do Friday Facts for the past 3 weeks. I've been waiting for someone to break the tie. So I've decided to go with a completely different Guinness World Record. So here are the facts:
1. A snail would take about 220 hours to crawl one mile non-stop.
2. There can be about as many insects in one square mile as there are people on the entire planet.
3. The earth traveled more than five thousand miles in the past five minutes.
4. You are made up of about ten trillion cells.
5. The tallest volcano on Mars is about 17 miles high. That's 61 times taller than the 110 story Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois.
6. The oldest continuously standing tree on Earth is nearly five thousand years old - about the same age as the pyramids in Egypt.
7. The brightest light on a hotel is in Las Vegas, Nevada and can be seen from airplanes 250 miles away.
8. A San Francisco man used 10,000 toothpicks to build a four foot long remote controlled boat.
9. The world's first hand held cell phone cost $3,995.
10. Studies show that when evenly matched teams compete the team wearing red has a better chance of winning.

What's on Vivian Wheeler's face? You might think it's pretty make up, but it's actually a beard. She is proud of what makes her different. She started shaving her face when she was 7 years old but more than 15 years ago decided to let the beard grow. The longest strand was 11 inches long when last measured.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Poll for Friday Facts

Sorry I didn't get to the poll or Friday Facts last week. I just didn't have time. But I will have Friday Facts again this week (by the way, you are voting on only the first two facts). Here are the choices:

1. Animals
2. Outer Space

This is a poll for the Guinness World Record
1. Stretchy Skin
2. Gigantic Duck
3. No Jacket Required

Leave your vote in the comments section below.