1. A sea turtle can weigh as much as a water buffalo.
2. Food passes through the giant squid's brain on the way to its stomach.
3. The "barking pigeon" has a call that sounds like a loud dog.
4. A newborn kangaroo is about as long as a paperclip.
5. One of the largest man made islands is shaped like a palm tree.
6. Red rain has fallen in parts of Europe and Asia.
7. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
8. The first microwave oven was almost as tall as a refrigerator.
9. The record for the world's longest continuous series of somersaults is 12 miles 390 yards.
10. The first person arrested for speeding in the United States was driving 12 mph in 1899.
Pizza Party
Tony Gemignani holds the record for spinning the largest pizza dough. The dough was nearly 3 feet wide. Tony spent 2 minutes stretching the paper thin dough until it reached a width of 33.2 inches. The dough would have made enough pizzas to feed 20 people if it hadn't been measured on the floor.
That's some gooooood information!